but I have not been having fun.
I have been swamped with end of the semester papers, projects and exams
I have been stressed out and overwhelmed
and not much fun to be around I hear
So I turn in one more project tonight, have one more exam next week and I am done!!!
for a month.
Then summer session starts.
I originally had planned to take 2 classes. After some soul searching and reevaluating my priorities, I decided to just take one class. And in the fall, just take one class. And in the spring, we shall see.
When I am in school, that takes priority, and everything else has to line up behind. Well on my list of priorities, school is around number 4 or 5.
So I am slowing down. It will add a year till graduation, I only have 9 classes left. But I don't care.
I do care about my family, my personal artwork and having time to explore other interests.
So expect to see more of me here, soon...