Thursday, January 06, 2011

Day 6

today I got to put into practice my new years resolution of listening to myself
i'm under the weather with some sort of head cold/flu type thing.
i was s o t i r e d yesterday and instead of drinking a coffee and pushing thru,
i took a nap.
afterwards i was able to take care of the kids after school, bake some easy bake cakes,
play a little hi-ho-cheerio and cook a yummy dinner.

it was a good lesson for me


  1. I think thats a lesson I should try and learn too, I always push myself too hard and end up regretting it!

    I love seeing your works in progress piccies, they are wonderful!!

    Micki x

  2. Wow, sounds like the nap did wonders! I love seeing your painting as it develops, especially at the moment when I'm doing the same by making time each day this week to work on my canvases now the school is back. I'm still making layers of mess but each layer seems to be a slight improvement. I'll get there! ;) xx
