Sunday, May 17, 2009


I love the beginning of a new week. It's like a clean slate. This week I will spend 15 minutes a day picking up, this week I will do the things I need to do to promote my art like work more on my artist's statement, this week I will have time for it all, kid time, husband time, me time.

Who knows, this week it might just happen...


  1. I love this piece ...the composition is so unique and exquisite...just lovely : )

  2. oh maaaaaaaaaaaaan I was just trying to verbalize this....

    15 minutes is a small enough bite (in between M&Ms) to set a reachable goal... I like it...

    AWESOME AMAZING ART you have!!!!

    katey duck (on facebook)

    blueyeduckstudios everywhere else :)
