Friday, December 04, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
New week
Sunday, November 08, 2009
metal wings

I'm taking a metalsmithing class, and so I was inspired to add some metal embellishments into one of my paintings. I had some scrap brass already, and I bought a jewelery saw this week, so I cut out these delicate little wings. I didn't think glue, or gloss gel would adhere the wings well enough, so I 'stitched' them on with copper wire...

I'm so happy with the results and am thinking of ways to embellish my embellishments (stamped letters? etching?)
on ebay here
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Another cabinet door, with an egyptian inspired angel
on ebay
Did everyone have a good halloween? I had family over for chili, baked potatoes and hotdogs. The kids were cute in their costumes, Lila was a snow queen and Paul was a cowboy AND best of all it didn't rain.
In other news, I am taking a metalsmithing class for jewelry making. It is fun and fascinating and my mind keeps coming up with designs for necklaces and bracelets. Of course I have absolutely no time to do anything outside of class, but a girl can dream.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
two birds

Another cabinet door painting, I love working bigger!
I almost didn't get this painting listed, there was a GIANT green cricket in my studio today camped out on this painting.
I waited,
I waved paper at him,
I made loud noises,
I left and came back later...
I finally get fed up, tilted the painting up, expecting him to jump off
So then I had to push him off with a paintbrush
He's still in my studio somewhere :(
on ebay here
Saturday, October 17, 2009
hand to hand

woo wee!!! I did a gigantic painting (well big for me)
It's 22" x 16" painted on a cabinet door, see the brass handle
It was different and fun and I absolutely love the result
I see more of these in my future
on ebay here
watch my daughters take on the painting...
Friday, October 16, 2009
three stories

Somehow I survived the last month.
For the last four weekends I had a major event...
1. My sister's camping wedding extravaganza
2. Lila and Paul's family birthday party
3. Archon (weekend away and art show)
4. Paul's birthday party, where I had ALL the boys from his kindergarten class at my house.
This weekend we have NOTHING planned and I am so excited. I want to clean my studio and relax and paint.
Hope your weekend is enjoyable!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
I'm Back

Had a wonderful weekend getaway at Archon, (a sci-fi convention)
I think I was 16 at the first one I attended.
I participated in the art show for the second year. Though my work is quite different from 'traditional' sci-fi art, think carefully rendered dragons, metal bikinis and planetary landscapes, I get a few people who delight in my more primitive takes on fairys and mermaids.
I sold several of my prints mounted on wood blocks, which made me feel good :)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
come together

Yesterday my to-do list had 14 items. Last night around 7 pm I finished the last one. Now I get to start all over today, currently my list has seven items, one of which is to get Lila's new (used) daybed painted white. We are moving her to a big girl bed this weekend. But to start off the day, Lila and I are going to Zoomagination at the zoo.
I'll just have to get to the other stuff later.
painting on ebay HERE
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
little fish

on ebay $.99 starting bid see HERE
I just had a wonderful weekend full of family and friends and houseguests and a party...
not much work though :)
I'm starting fresh this morning, fueled with a cup of coffee and broccoli quiche. I've was quite industrious last week, painting every day, and I am trying to continue the practice. The weekends seem to be too busy to work, and maybe that's ok. Instead of feeling discouraged, perhaps I should just determine in advance, the weekends are family time and accept that I won't be painting.
Sometimes I'm afraid that if I paint, a lot, I will run out of ideas, but the opposite seems to be true. The more I create, the more ideas I get. It's hard to believe it will sustain itself. I know being an artist has less to do with 'inspiration' and more to do with perspiration, but there is an element that seems magical and beyond my control
Thursday, September 10, 2009
new day

i have been a busy busy bee
I have SIX paintings in various stages of done
I have been painting so much and it makes me a happy girl
There has also been a lot of dreaming and planning and doing.
It all feels so good and so right. I feel like something big is right around the corner.
Speaking of big, I have been painting BIG. This painting is about 16" x 12". for me that's monumental :)
Now on ebay, $.99 starting bid HERE
Monday, September 07, 2009
'super' duper

I think I've talked before about collage and the subconscious...
Here is another perfect example. I was flipping through my atlases and saw some face sized water areas, which are the areas I create most of my faces on. I noticed it was a map of Michigan and had some of the Great Lakes. I drew my girls face and cut it out and then discovered "SUPER" stamped across her forehead. It made me laugh because I knew I was doing a flying piece.
I'm back to listing myself on ebay, starting bid $.99!
see here
Monday, August 24, 2009

For one who does not like change, I sure am making a few around here.
First of all I am trying something different on ebay. The talented and prolific Heather Galler has offered to take over selling my paintings on ebay. She has developed quite a following on ebay and is taking on a few artists to help promote their work. The painting above is called "Hopeful" and is listed HERE for a starting bid of $0.01!
Hopeful is also how I am feeling about a new gallery my art will be displayed in soon. Cranky Yellow has asked for some work so I gave them four originals and six prints. Stop in and visit them if you live in St. Louis!
I have several other things brewing, but I'll save them for another post...
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Life is about to change again
Paul starts Kindergarten tomorrow, he only goes half day, but it is five days a week.
Lila will start Junior Preschool the next week, for three mornings a week.
My school starts the week after that, but I'm only taking one class (yay!)
My hope is that I have more time.
That I'm not always playing catch up
That I'm able to do the things that are important
That there is time everyday for smelling the roses
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This painting is listed on ebay with a $0.99 starting bid price!
See here
I work in blues and orange, alot.
I thought green and red would remind me of xmas, but this doesn't at all. It actually reminds me of August.
I'm beginning to really like this complementary color scheme.
Hurry up lunch! I have a crockpot full of curry chicken. TWO jalapenos, cayenne pepper, coconut milk, ginger, garlic, onion, carrots, potatoes, I'm drooling just thinking about it :)
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

buy it now here
I'm having salad bar and pizza for dinner
I like to tear up some romaine lettuce, slice hard boiled eggs, chop up some turkey, get out the olives and croutons, a couple dressings, sunflower seeds, anything else that sounds good
and arrange them all in one of my kids divided plates so my hubby and I can make our own salads, just like at a salad bar!
then I pop a cheapy supreme pizza into the oven, and we have a tasty inexpensive EASY dinner
Thursday, July 23, 2009
IF = Idle or 'she liked to sit in her chair and think'

how time flies when you're having fun,
or at least when you're really busy
I remember being a kid and dreading the end of summer and return to school
And now as a parent, I think as strongly as I was trying to hold onto the last days of summer, I bet my mom was wishing for the first day of school
For Sale HERE
Saturday, July 18, 2009
IF = Tango

It takes two to 'tango'
Lame, I know :)
But I had much fun creating it.
I used modge podge instead of matte medium. Quite different. I see pro's and con's with both.
Modge podge:
Very thick (like thick school glue)
smells like glue
tacky and dries quickly
less expensive
I got fewer wrinkles and air bubbles in my collage elements (yay!)
slight sheen to surface when dry
matte medium
not tacky, you can reposition collage elements
matte finish
I will probably switch between both in the future depending on what effects I want.
It's good to have choices.
Monday, July 06, 2009

You'll have to click on the image to see it larger...
I was feeling a little constricted in the normal size which was 9" x 7.5" so I cut a really long, narrow piece of wood and created this lovely lady.
The dimensions are 17" x 6" and you can't tell in this scan, but I also added a wood box frame.
See her now on ebay
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
lady waiting

It is so hard for me to use a restricted palate, but when I do I am always so pleased.
It's also hard for me to know when to stop, but when I don't overdo it, i'm happy.
I love minimalist art, but can't seem to employ the same theory in my own work, but the closer I come the closer I am to my true vision
on ebay
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
three trees

I don't really plan out paintings, theme or meaning wise, I just kind of compose the drawing, think about pallete and start painting.
Upon reflection I have seem 'life' showing up in them. Like for the last month we have had rain, and more rain. When I look at the images I created I see alot of blues, grays, and rain-like imagery.
Then I created this one today. Which so reflects the relentless heat we have experienced. Several days with temps in the 90s and heat indexes in the 100s. To me, this painting looks like a heat wave.
funny how that works
on ebay
Sunday, June 14, 2009
IF = Unfold and BIG SALE

Buy here
It's my first sale, so it's gonna be a good one!
Buy any 3 prints mounted on wood and choose a 4th print for free. A $25 value.
If you would prefer 7" x 5.5" prints on paper, those are $18 each, 4th one free. Any image you see on my etsy can be a print.
If you purchase an original painting on etsy you can get a print of your choice for free.
My etsy
Thursday, June 11, 2009
two together

bid here
today was a strange day,
i've been feeling out of sorts, kind of lonely, kind of restless
i think being out of school for the last month is finally catching up with me,
I don't realize how much school is a social outlet for me.
I love learning. I love a good lecture. I absorb it all and it floats around in my head and colors my world in unexpected ways.
i expect to be a student forever in one capacity or another.
Monday, June 08, 2009
IF = Craving

I couldn't decide on just one craving...
Bid here
Today was Paul's first day of Kindergarten.
Actually it's called Jump Start to Kindergarten and it is part of his schools summer fun programs.
He was so brave, much braver than I was.
He kept saying the day before how he might cry when I had to leave, and I was cavalier about it, reassuring him that he would be fine, and many of his friends from preschool would be there.
When it was time to separate, his lower lip trembled just a bit, but he put on a very brave face.
My voice cracked, just a little, before I screamed at myself to 'get it together' and gave him a hug n' kiss.
When I picked him up, four long hours later, he chatted happily about the new friends he made, and playing on the playground. Oh and snack time was fun too.
Sounds about right for a little boy, recess and lunch are his favorite classes.
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Bid here
This painting reminds me of my best friend Erica, who moved to Washington (state) last summer. She signs her letters, "Always" so I thought that was an appropriate title.
I miss her, but she will be visiting in September, and we talk every week...
SO! It seems that my new pattern is listing four paintings a week, then taking Friday and Saturday off. It feels manageable, my house is clean, my children are happy and I'm cooking every meal (average 2 meal out a month!)
Of course things can't stay this way, school starts Jun 18th, so that will be an adjustment.
Another exciting development is I may be trading in my 1998 Honda CRV for a similar year/mileage Toyota Sienna. I have serious mini-van envy and so why not make a lateral move? This might take a few months as I would like to save up as much $$$$ as possible to upgrade to a slightly newer vehicle.
I don't mind driving an older car, I don't need the newest greatest shiniest thing. Since I buy Honda or Toyota, they are very reliable, and I love not having a car payment. Of course someday, my dream is to buy a BRAND NEW car, at least once in my life. We'll see...
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009

bid here
today was uneventful,
I almost got my daughters hair cut.
She has mad, mad, curly hair and I am at a loss as to what to do with it.
I want it to be long so we can do pony tails and such, but it is such a frizzy mess right now I feel I need to get it trimmed and maybe the stylists can advise me.
I'm not complaining, I love her hair, I just need to learn how to take care of it.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
fish out of water
Monday, May 25, 2009
if = cracked

so much for my art resolution,
i spent the week cleaning and painting my great room. It needed to be done, and i feel good that it is, now maybe I can get back to some sort of normal
buy here
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Much larger than i'm used to working, like 12" x 10"
I would like to go larger still, I'll get there...
Much of yesterday was spent painting, my house. With the help of my brother, we got the hallway, dining room and some of the great room done. Tomorrow we will paint the two vaults in the great room, if my ladder and my roller on a stick can reach.
A newly painted room is one of favorite things. I love what we did yesterday, it's called mesa taupe, and it's, taupe, but its' a beautiful taupe i swear. it looks clean and modern and velvety. I'm doing the two vault walls with a seafoamy bluey color. It might sound strange, but I have high hopes.
I think it's a great way to start the summer.
Monday, May 18, 2009

I haven't painted any fairies in a while, and it was fun to make some wings. I may be doing some more in the future, as I will be showing at Archon (science fiction convention) again this year. I had such a great experience, and got LOTS of positive feedback and even made some money. Last year I showed as an amateur, but may go professional this time. Their requirements are that you are published (I am) and generate your income from your craft (writing, art, game design...) and I do. It's not much of an income, and after talking to other pro's at the the con, that seems typical, but it is an income. Being pro means you get a write up in their convention guide, get a special ribbon on your badge, and will be judged for the art show amongst the other professionals. I was a finalist for the amateur art show last year, but didn't win, so have no illusions for winning this year, but it's all good.
I'm getting excited, can you tell?
Sunday, May 17, 2009

I love the beginning of a new week. It's like a clean slate. This week I will spend 15 minutes a day picking up, this week I will do the things I need to do to promote my art like work more on my artist's statement, this week I will have time for it all, kid time, husband time, me time.
Who knows, this week it might just happen...
Friday, May 15, 2009
My son wanted his room painted orange.
'Orange?!" i replied. Then looked at some magazines on decorating kids rooms and guess what? Orange is a very popular color for kids rooms. So I said ok, and got like 30 color chips and looked at them all in the light in his room, picked what i thought was a nice, pleasant, orange. Not to garish, not to pastel, just right.
just wrong it turns out. Three coats later, (apparently you should primer green walls before painting with orange) and I hate it.
I'm not against the idea of orange, but I needed it to have more white in it. To be just a touch lighter.
My husband just told me his friend told him that psychologically, white rooms make people lonely, blue rooms make them calm and orange rooms make them angry....
Well I'm angry just looking at all my hard work and money wasted.
pictures to come later...
'Orange?!" i replied. Then looked at some magazines on decorating kids rooms and guess what? Orange is a very popular color for kids rooms. So I said ok, and got like 30 color chips and looked at them all in the light in his room, picked what i thought was a nice, pleasant, orange. Not to garish, not to pastel, just right.
just wrong it turns out. Three coats later, (apparently you should primer green walls before painting with orange) and I hate it.
I'm not against the idea of orange, but I needed it to have more white in it. To be just a touch lighter.
My husband just told me his friend told him that psychologically, white rooms make people lonely, blue rooms make them calm and orange rooms make them angry....
Well I'm angry just looking at all my hard work and money wasted.
pictures to come later...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

whew! barely got this one done. I just kept working on it. I would add something and walk away, then think about it, and come back and add something else. I love it, it is so painterly and free
when i'm doing tight, illustrative work, i don't get the same joy, the pleasure of the spreading paint around, and letting it tell me where it want's to go.
on ebay
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This is a linocut I did called "Flowered"
All I can say is "how fun!"
If you have never tried, I recommend it. I got the lino block at a craft store and it was so soft and easy to cut. The cutting tools were easy to use too, able to do quite delicate work, though some of that get lost in printing.
I did an edition of 8 prints. This is 3 of 8 and it is available on ebay.
The bottom is numbered, titled and signed (name/date) at the bottom.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day and Goal for May

I hope all the mother's have a relaxing day ahead of them, I have a brunch, then a trip to the brand new super mega JoAnn's. I think dinner will be at my parents house. So lot's of driving, but no cooking :)
I take my last final on Tuesday, and would like to start something for the month that I will be out of school. Sunday through Thursday, I want to do a painting a day, so you will be able to find some sort of new artwork here. I'm taking Friday and Saturday off as my 'weekend'.
I did something similar in January, but I posted new work everyday, I think I missed two days the whole month. It was an incredible journey and my work really evolved. I'm ready for that growth to happen again.
I will start today with this new painting. I have been experimenting with thicker paint application (impasto), working more intuitively and everything is looser. This will be listed on ebay tonight for buy it now $75
I titled the painting 'Beginnings'
Thursday, May 07, 2009
time flies
but I have not been having fun.
I have been swamped with end of the semester papers, projects and exams
I have been stressed out and overwhelmed
and not much fun to be around I hear
So I turn in one more project tonight, have one more exam next week and I am done!!!
for a month.
Then summer session starts.
I originally had planned to take 2 classes. After some soul searching and reevaluating my priorities, I decided to just take one class. And in the fall, just take one class. And in the spring, we shall see.
When I am in school, that takes priority, and everything else has to line up behind. Well on my list of priorities, school is around number 4 or 5.
So I am slowing down. It will add a year till graduation, I only have 9 classes left. But I don't care.
I do care about my family, my personal artwork and having time to explore other interests.
So expect to see more of me here, soon...
I have been swamped with end of the semester papers, projects and exams
I have been stressed out and overwhelmed
and not much fun to be around I hear
So I turn in one more project tonight, have one more exam next week and I am done!!!
for a month.
Then summer session starts.
I originally had planned to take 2 classes. After some soul searching and reevaluating my priorities, I decided to just take one class. And in the fall, just take one class. And in the spring, we shall see.
When I am in school, that takes priority, and everything else has to line up behind. Well on my list of priorities, school is around number 4 or 5.
So I am slowing down. It will add a year till graduation, I only have 9 classes left. But I don't care.
I do care about my family, my personal artwork and having time to explore other interests.
So expect to see more of me here, soon...
Monday, April 27, 2009
if=theater and 1st Interview!
I just had my very first artist interview!
Check it out at Liz's blog primoriginals
Her work is lovely and inspiring, I especially like the art pendants in her esty store.
Thank you Liz!
Here's my Illustration Friday offering

I have an optional title "Stage Fright"
which applies to me and my life in so many ways. They say all the world's a stage, that's unfortunate for me
Check it out at Liz's blog primoriginals
Her work is lovely and inspiring, I especially like the art pendants in her esty store.
Thank you Liz!
Here's my Illustration Friday offering

I have an optional title "Stage Fright"
which applies to me and my life in so many ways. They say all the world's a stage, that's unfortunate for me
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
IF = Impossibility

If seemed like an impossibility to her that it would ever stop raining
and be sunny and warm
Acrylic, oil pastel, pencil, vintage atlas, matte medium
Painted on wood 9" x 7.5" x .75"
Print here
Original on ebay later tonight
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I used lots of transparent glazes on this painting. To make my glazes I use Golden fluid acrylics and mix with my matte medium. I can control the amount of saturation using this method. I can get washes with just the barest hint of color, so I can apply layers and layers, building up the darker areas.
Sometimes I like to work quickly, boldly, and sometimes, like today, I like to take my time and watch the image emerge.
print here
original here
Monday, April 13, 2009
Paper Dress

Restraint seems to be the word of the day. I restrained much of what I normally do in a painting. Minimal brush strokes and work on the face, the background is simple simple simple.
I used some text from a vintage geography book to establish the dress, added many overlapping pieces of aqua tissue to apply color then drew a simple outline.
I think it is very effective. I think sometimes I may be 'self-indulgent' when creating mixed media pieces, too in love with the process and not concerned enough with the result.
Original on ebay later tonight
Print HERE
Friday, April 10, 2009
Pink Horizon
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I love these colors, Phthalo Blue and Raw Umber.
It's my favorite way to make black. It makes a dark, earthy color. I TRY to never use black from a tube, but i do use ink. I am finding my paintings are just a little bit softer when I don't even use the ink.
The life so short, the craft so long to learn - Chaucer
Print mounted on wood, available HERE
Original on ebay HERE
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